This is a week that many observe as Holy Week, me included in that category. And this week can be a great excuse for anyone, yes, any one, any where, at any moment in time. Each day is a new opening for a shift, for goodness to seep into your realm and take hold and float you into a zone of betterment. The question is — do you believe it and will you allow it?
Each of us are challenged by others who are sad, anxious, confused, paranoid, suspicious, and somehow cunning. Under such trying conditions, one cannot help but operate in a state of impairment, it just is a percentage of our reality. However, if this is you, it is essential to come to grip with the notion that you can take hold and make a shift and do it because you privately know that this has caused you a trend of problems across the course of your life. If you are on the receiving end of these people and their difficult behaviors, it is essential that you reach into your own strength and hold to it, knowing that your goodness can prevail if you insist upon it from within. This is a doorway that we are invited to see and then also invited to seize the opportunity to walk through.
The world is not that complex. People are pretty simple, we are each just human beings here trying to figure it all out and do our best to have a life that is comfortable, doing what we can be proud about. Sometimes we win and feel on top of our game and some of the time we feel like we have fallen and failed.
We need to invest in our own goodness of soul and mind and body. Build the Strength Within is all about this. Making a Blueprint for your life and shifting it and allowing yourself to view it all is so incredibly productive. I know this because it is how I climbed back into being alive again after the deep despair of a major loss in my life–my second parent. Devastated, I seriously did not want to take my next breath when she took her last. That’s deep stuff and that is the stuff that our lives is made of. No one goes untouched, unharmed. Coming back from that mindset and heart set is enormous. years later, I am so happily back……even in the face of that memorial arriving this Saturday, April 4th.
Life is here. We are each experiencing it. When we get caught by the negativity we know how to produce, we lose precious time even if it is only moments, and it is never just only moments.
Come with me on this magnificent journey and build up the very best version of who you are by following along and mapping out your life and your dreams–they will unfold for you. It is the way of the universe and the plans in store for your magnificent life. You need to trust that you need to participate and turn the key to allow it all to happen.
This is a Holy Week, allow the blessings of the universe to be at work with you and your best visions. Begin with Build the Strength Within well as today’s episode of The K Factor